Tantrum at the Door

Courtesy: presterjohn1.deviantart.com

Picture, if you will, giant medieval castle doors. The ones that sit next to the draw bridge keeping all the enemies out. Two enormously high, amazingly wide, unbelievably thick wooden doors, with huge metal clasps stand guard. Keeping people inside and safe. And the doors are shut. Tight. Continue reading

Is His “No” an Acceptable Answer?

It makes me so very mad when he doesn’t answer me! I can’t believe that he can claim to love me and yet not even acknowledge me when I tell him about the most important things in my life! It’s not like it’s a small thing, I mean, my Mum having cancer and my need for that perfect job I’ve applied for are BIG things! And I know I’m not the only one who feels that way!

Countless people accuse Jesus Christ of this very thing every day. I’ve heard it, you’ve heard it, and to be totally honest we’ve probably both thought it ourselves. We accuse Jesus of not listening or answering when we pray. But He does answer – every single time! Jeremiah 33 v 3 says “Call to me and I will answer you.” The problem is not if He answers, the problem is if we’re listening. For example:

  1. We ask, but don’t stop long enough to hear the answer.
  2. We assume that we will get the answer immediately, on the first ask.
  3. We won’t accept a “wait” or a “no” answer.

I find it ironic that though we are very quick to say “no” when Jesus asks us something we don’t like e.g. give more time or money or commitment to Him or to give up our pet sin, but when Jesus says “no” to our request, we pout, cry, scream or accuse Him of not even answering us.

I’ve been on the end of a heavenly “no” a few times and more. It can be hard, it can hurt, it can make me mad. Jesus’ amazing grace has also allowed me to see, with time, the wisdom behind His “no” to me. If I had landed that “perfect job” I wouldn’t been given a much better job a year later. I don’t always get to see the reasons why He gives me a “no” but I’ve seen enough to trust Jesus when He gives me a “no”.  So now I just have to learn how to better accept the “wait” answers..

Question: Have you received a “no” answer and been grateful for it later on? Share your experience in the Comments below.

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